Am Yisrael is at war and we must all take part in any way we can. The Mishna in Avot teach us that the world stands on three things: Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chassidim. Whether it be through our speech or our actions we can make a real difference in the world and there isn’t a more appropriate time than now for us to make that difference.
Below are avenues which we each excel in and can change the world by being active in. This webpage will be constantly updated with new information and projects. Please check in periodically.
Register for the Zoom Link here.
Click here to sign up for the Shmirah Project.
Click here to read Chizzuk from our Chayalim.
Click here to find out more on Chavrutot Barzel, NCSY Israel’s staff-teen learning initiative.
Avodah (Prayer)
Click here to sign up to say a chapter (or multiple chapters) of Tehilim twice each day, once in the morning and once at night. Together we plan to finish the book of Tehilim every day and night.
Click here to sign up for Shomer Achi and be partnered with a NCSY soldier.
Gemilut Chassadim (Good Deeds)
We are currently working on multiple local initiatives in Israel to help those effected by the current fighting. We will be updating this section with different ways you can help.
Local Chessed Opportunities– Please contact your Community Representatives for local chessed opportunities. You can find your Community Representatives here.
Volunteer Opportunities– To see a list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and other events click here.
Videos of Support– Please send short videos of support for our chayalim to Gaby Novick at 058-419-0087 or These videos will be sent to all our chayalim contacts currently fighting in the army.
Teen Hotline– Click here for a list of NCSY Israel staff who are available to talk and be a listening ear to anyone that needs.
Donations– All departments across the OU have launched one central avenue to donate towards all that the OU is doing in Israel. You can contribute to this campaign by clicking here.