
Welcome to NCSY Raanana!

NCSY Raanana is a youth group for high school (grades 9-12) Anglo teens living in the Raanana area. Our goal is to understand the olim teens needs to help them thrive and succeed in the holy land of Israel.

Through our diverse range of events, we can help our NCSYer form a connection with the land of Israel and with other teens who are like them. We meet up once a week whether it be with just the Raanana chapter or with the entire NCSY Israel region for fun social events, educational activities, chesed opportunity, and shabbatons.

The amazing tzevet of NCSY Raanana is made up of fun, dedicated, inspiring role models that accompany all NCSY events and develop a healthy long-lasting personal relationship with our NCSYers.

If you’re interested in getting involved or have any questions, you are more than welcome to contact us at goldsmithm@ncsy.org. (Teens are also welcome to join our Whatsapp groups!)

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our chapter! See you soon!

Shimmy & Moriah Goldsmith

Raanana Chapter Directors