Ezra and Tali Silton

- Modiin Chapter Directors +972 53-241-1267

Tali (Safran) grew up in Teaneck, NJ and graduated Ma’ayanot high school. She made Aliyah in 2020 with her family who now live in Ra’anana. After learning in Midreshet HoRova for 2 years she completed a year of sheirut leumi at Orot Modiin.

Ezra made Aliyah from Riverdale when he was 4 years old and moved to Chashmonaim. After graduating from Ner Tamid high school he continued his learning at Yeshivat Orot Shaul in Tel Aviv. Ezra currently serves in Human Resources in the IDF and will return to yeshiva for the completion of his hesder service.

Ezra Silton



Tali Silton

