Caroline is originally from Woodmere, New York. She came for seminary and never left. After shana bet, she did a year of Sheirut Leumi in the delivery room in Bikur Cholim Hospital and then started a degree at Bar Ilan in Jewish Studies. She currently works for a medical billing company and in a seminary.
Naftali is originally from Teaneck, New Jersey. He also came for Yeshiva and never left. After spending a year and a half in Shalaavim, he drafted into Tzanchanim and then went back to Yeshiva for a year. He then started his degree in social work and spend 3 years working in Torat Shraga. He currently works as a social worker as well.
We live in Neve Shamir, Ramat Beit Shemesh!
Naftali Pudell
Caroline Pudell